Blocks keep coming in from amazing people. Thanks, and thanks, and thanks! There a couple of venues pending. I'll keep ypu informed as they come to fruition. If you have any places you would like to see the project hang, either in part or the entire 1600+ blocks that are now complete, let me know!
In other news, I helped a number of other fiber artists create an Obama quilt this summer. Our most hopeful dream came true this week. Keep an eye out for this quilt at the inauguration! My HOPE blocks is the second from the bottom on the left.

Hi Caron, Our quilt looks beautiful on your blog. Your Hope block has been featured on my Obama Arts and Entertainment page.
We are trying to get a place to hang our quilts in Washington, DC. I have sent out "feeler and seekers" in hopes of finding a place to showcase our quilts. Last count there were 35 Obama quilts. I love your site! Diana Bracy
Very cool quilt! I love the randomly pieced border.
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