Saturday, July 14, 2007

Long Time No Write

Here's what's been going on.
I've been making and passing out lots of blocks for folks to knot or bead. (If anyone wants to help in making the blocks, I would love it!!) I sent out an e-mail to folks I knew were working on knots and/or beads asking to send in anything you had completed so I could get some photos. A magazine had expressed interest in a possible story. Well, there was some confusion at the P.O. office about the name on my box, so if you sent anything and it got returned, I'm sorry. It has been corrected, and I should be getting things in the box now.

So, about the magazine. I sent in a photo of what I had available, and hoped for the best. I got an e-mail late this week from an editor at fiberarts magazine that the photos were fine and she would send me a copy of the article when it was published!! Not sure when it comes out, but will let you know to keep an eye open for it.

I am going to start working on a little press kit, and would love to include everyone's blocks in the next photos. Please send in anything you have done. The variety and personality of different makers really brings charcter to the overall piece.

Thanks for all you do! C

look for new photos below the comment break


Anonymous said...

CARN!!!! Congratulations for getting your project published! You are an amazing young woman with a heart of gold. So glad to know you.

Knot on ---------


Julie Zaccone Stiller said...

Caron, I saw the article in FiberArts, way to go!! Hope you get lots more blocks because of the publicity and/or places to show the completed piece.

Anonymous said...

Do you know how long I've been spelling your name Carn?
I saw the article in FiberArts...fantastic!
I found that marking 212 little dots with a pencil is much easier than counting knots. It goes quick then I just happily knot until it's done.