Made a speedy trip to St Paul Wednesday evening to shore up some plans for the Peace Island Picnic. The picnic will be a finale event to the Republican National Convention being held in St Paul September 1 - 4. These are a couple of quick shots of the picnic area.
From 1pm to 8 pm there will be free food, music, the creation of the world's largest peace sign, and the display of the And Still Counting project. More updates and details here - the unconvention.
Keep sending me blocks! I would love to have 2000 blocks on display. I have about 1700 right now, and the more we have there, the larger the impact.
If anyone has access to those pop-up tents, I will be needing 4 of them to display the project. I would need to borrow them on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th to accommodate set up and tear down.
Even though I don't stop by very often (because I have no idea how to contribute anything meaningful to say about quilting), I would like to let you know that I am humbled by your work and dedication to this project. You're doing an amazing thing.
Keep it up Caron!
And yes... we should get together for coffee soon!
I've been working on more blocks but guess I won't get them back to you in time for this display. Maybe I can pop over to "Peace Island" and say hi. We'll see how crazy it is around there (and even crazier if Gustav changes the schedules).
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
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